Friday, November 8, 2013

This Week On The TechCrunch Droidcast: Google's Plan For Hangouts And Motorola's Modular Future

To paraphrase the one and only Gloria Gaynor, Darrell and I are back from outer space for yet another edition of the TechCrunch Droidcast. Well maybe not outer space per se, but the two of us have had to spend some time far from home and we couldn't get together to record a show last week. For that you have our deepest apologies. But if it's any consolation, my trusty co-host and I had a real blast putting this week's episode together. This time around we tackle Google's savvy changes to its Hangouts Android app, Lenovo's curious new tablets (complete with a dose of Ashton Kutcher), Motorola's crazy-exciting dive into modular smartphones, and a little bit of love for the Nvidia Shield. And yes, in case you were wondering, that last bit was Darrell's idea. The world of Android is a weird and wild one, and we're glad to be back digging through it. Join us, won't you?

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